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Why you’ll get more out of a Coach

All forms of learning are positive. They allow us to expand our thinking and develop personally and professionally to become the best versions of ourselves. Yet some forms of learning will make a much greater impact on you and your business than others.


We all know what it’s like to walk away from a seminar with eight pages of notes, all pumped and ready to concur the market. It’s the best feeling! This year is going to be different, you’re going to have your best sales year ever now that you know everything you need to do… and then something happens.

During that drive between the seminar and the office, your mind starts thinking over all you’ve just discovered, then the phone rings and the emails start bouncing through. That positive feeling starts to fade, you feel overwhelmed with all the changes you need to make and your amazing book of notes and ideas is pushed to the side while you deal with more ‘important’ things.

Does this sound familiar? It’s unfortunately the reality of most training sessions.

There are very few individuals that are able to successfully implement changes to their businesses following such sessions. Why? Because we all learn, adjust and adapt in different ways.

We only know what we know and using your current approach to tasks may not enable you to implement these changes, in turn creating uncertainty and an ‘it’s too hard’ philosophy with no accountability.

Coaching, on the other hand, will support you to implement these changes to your business and so much more.

A brilliant example of a successful coach is a School Teacher. Just think about it… they identify that not all kids learn the same, they work to understand the individual’s thought journey and adjust their teachings to work 1-1 so each individual becomes their best. Let’s face it - they are super stars.

Having someone in your corner who can help you identify and understand how you currently perform, uncover the challenges you face and provide options that work inline with who you are, will see you kicking more goals in months than you have in years.

Training v Coaching… coaching wins.

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